Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Six Lies of Islam, Part One

Before we begin, I want to state in a clear and succinct fashion that I do not hate individual Muslims. What I hate are the lies that deceive individual Muslims that are found in the Islam religion. Personally, I think it is sad that one has to make this type of statement, especially when addressing issues that are historical and documented facts. However, because of the politically correct world we live in, and the post-modern, multi-cultural philosophy that is in full effect in this country (USA) and world, a person must make the sort of statement like the one above.

It is really not my desire to offend 1/6th of the world's population.

However, the truth must be told, and sometimes the truth contains nasty facts that are embarrassing, offensive or angering to our Muslims friends. Let me say that it is not my intention to offend Muslims. My desire is to help Christians to prepare for the day when they have to deal with a Muslim at work, school or in their neighborhood.

The first reason for this series is to expose the lies that Mohammed and his followers have told and believed themselves. The second reason is to help Christians to understand what Islam is and what it isn’t. In studying Islam, I have found many lies. However, I am limiting the focus of this series to six lies that have been promulgated not only by Muslims (radical and moderate), but also by various political leaders both in the United States and in the world.

These six lies are as follows:
  • Islam is a religion of peace.
  • Islam is a religion of love.
  • Allah is the same God that Jews and Christians worship.
  • Mohammed is a true prophet.
  • The Qur’an is a true revelation from God.
  • The Arabs are descendants of Ishmael.

Each one of statements must be analyzed and accepted or dismissed on the merits of the evidence that can be found by conducting some basic research. It is my firm belief that each one of the above statements must be dismissed as lies, and consequently denounced by those in power every time they are uttered by Muslim religious leaders.

A Brief History of Islam

In 610 A.D., Muhammad, at the age of 40, received his first message from Allah in a cave outside the Arabian city of Mecca. Muhammad says that the angel Gabriel came to him and told him to recite what he was told. By Muhammad’s own admission, it was some two years later that he actually believed what had happened to him. The reason for this is that Muhammad apparently suffered from epilepsy. This is documented in various Hadiths (collections of Muslim oral traditions). These are commentaries on the life of Muhammad, and are considered sacred by Muslims.

In time, many of the Bedouin tribes on the Arabian Peninsula had converted to Islam. This group became a serious threat to the Quraysh tribe that controlled Mecca. This fact is important because Mecca was the center of Arabic paganism. In Mecca is the Kaaba, and in the Kaaba were the idols to the 360 Arabian gods, of which one was the moon god, Al-Ilah (I will discuss this Arabian god in depth in a later post). On September 17, 622, Muhammad and his followers had to flee Mecca for their lives for Medina. This journey is called the “Hijrah” and is considered by many Muslims to be the official beginning of the Islam religion.

In 630 A.D., Muhammad regained control of Mecca, and Islam became the religion of the Arabs. Two years later, Muhammad died after complaining of a headache and weakness. Muhammad did not name a successor to his budding religion, and a civil war within the Muslims exploded, and still exists to this day. During this time, two candidates emerged as successors to Muhammad, his cousin and son-in-law, Ali ibn Abi Talib and Abu Bakr, who was one of the first converts to Islam and Muhammad’s close companion.

Abu Bakr was eventually named as Muhammad’s successor, or caliph, because Ali was considered too young to hold the office. Bakr conducted The Wars of Al-Riddah (wars against apostasy) against those that rejected his claim as successor to Muhammad. Bakr ruled as caliph from 632 to 634. Bakr was succeeded by his hand-picked successor, Umar ibn Khattab. Umar ruled as caliph from 634 to 644. Umar was murdered by a servant and succeeded by Uthman ibn Affan. Uthman ruled as caliph from 644 to 656 when he too was murdered and succeeded by Muhammad’s cousin Ali. It was under these four caliphs that that Islam spread beyond the Arabian Peninsula. Islam eventually reached from modern day Afghanistan in the east to modern day Portugal in the west.

These four men are important today because of the Shia and Sunni sects within Islam. Shias are adherents of Ali and reject the caliphs that preceded Ali as caliph. Sunni Muslims are adherents of the first three caliphs, and reject Ali. Shia Muslims compose about 10% of the total Muslim population, and are primarily located in Azerbijian, Iraq, Iran, Oman and Lebanon. Sunni Muslims make up roughly 90% of Muslims worldwide and reject Ali as a rightful caliph, and accept the first three as rightful caliphs.

Islam reached its peak in the tenth century. However, when the Turks converted to Islam in the 13th century, the so-called, “second wave of Islam” was initiated. Under the Turks, Islam spread into Europe and the Balkans beginning an occupation that would last 500 years. This second wave was eventually checked at Vienna, Austria in 1683 and in 1687 by Polish.

A Brief History of the Qur’an

The Qur’an is a revelation of the Creator as opposed to the revelation of the messenger. Muhammad was an illiterate Arab, and recited what he was told in his visions. These recitations were memorized by his followers. Eventually, Muhammad’s followers saw the need to write down Muhammad’s recitations, and made use of whatever they had on hand to record the words of Muhammad. They used papyrus, flat stones, palm leaves, shoulder blades of animals, wood boards and leather to record what Muhammad said.

Abu Bakr began the first collections of these writings. Bakr’s wishes eventually led to a divergent number of translations. Eventually Uthman determined the need for a single text of the Qur’an. Therefore, between 650 and 656, a single text of the Qur’an was produced and all other versions were burned.

The Qur’an is divided into chapters, called suras and verses. The Suras are not arranged in chronological order. They are arranged from shortest to longest. The early surahs seem to deal with specific issues that Muhammad experienced with his nearly found sect. It appears that as these problems appeared Muhammad would receive a vision, recite it, and his followers would implement it.

Second to the Qur’an are the Hadiths. Hadiths are to Islam as the Talmuds are to Judaism. The Hadiths are commentaries on the Qur’an as well as narratives on the life of Muhammad and his earliest followers. The Hadiths are considered to be sacred writings and are second only to the Qur’an. It is from the Hadiths that much of Islam stands or falls.

The above has been a very brief history of Islam. If a reader wants to do more research on the history of Islam, the Qur’an and the Hadiths there are a number of resources available to research these topics. I believe that if a person, Muslim or not, that wants to find out what Islam is all about the information is out there. My attempt is simply to provoke people to think abut Islam and whether or not it is a religion based on truth or lies.

Next post: Islam is a religion of peace.


  1. 1 correction and 1 point to ponder upon
    Correction : Sunni's do not reject caliph Ali. He is as highly regarded as the other three and equally. Also not all denominations of Shia muslims reject the caliphs before Ali per se. They assign more importance to Ali since he was related to the prophet and therefore was part of the a 'ahl al bayt' - family of the house
    Point to ponder upon : Do a little research on human behavior and ask yourself this question- If the prophet was an epileptic like you claim, how is it that a nation of 1 million barbarians who have for centuries never had peace finally come to accept this so called 'epileptic'. Remember that this was a time when the weak and unhealthy were cursed and the rich ruled the people. The prophet surely must have been a man with an impeccable character. What boggles the mind is that the whether it be Shia or Sunni , or all the empires after Prophet Mohammed - Ummayads, Abbasids, samanids, safarids, fatimids, seljuks, ayyubids, ghorids, golden horde mongols, mamluks, timurids, safavids, mughals, qajars and all the other notable muslim empires over a span of a dozen centuries, all owed the allegiance to one man alone - Mohammed

  2. Hello Nash,

    Thank you for your comments. All comments are welcomed and appreciated on this blog. Sadly, I have not been able to give this blog the time it requires for a number of reasons, the main one I have blogged about already. On to your comments.

    First, it was not my intention to give a detailed exposition of Islamic sects theology. My purpose is to give was clear and cogent presentation of Islam as possible to an audience that may not have a working knowledge of Islam. Since all of my research on this topic has been lost I am not able to provide the references that I normally would have to show the basis for my thoughts. Needless to say, having done the research I am very confident that I have represented the views of the two major sects of Islam fairly.

    Secondly, while there is no hard evidence, i.e., a doctor's diagnoses that Mohammed was epileptic, it is clear that this man did suffer from some sort of physiological problem based on the accounts found in the Hadiths and the Quran. It is not unthinkable that a person with delusions of grandeur would use these seizures as a tool to garner a religious following.

    Third, you claim that Mohammed was a man of "impeccable character." This is a point that is debatable at best, or utterly laughable at worst. Since when do we place the label of a man with "impeccable character" on a man that married a six year old girl and consummated the marriage when she TURNED NINE YEARS OLD???

    No, I do not think that Mohammad was a man of "impeccable character". He was just another religious huckster that discovered that religion was a great way to amass wealth, garner power, and have sex (with many wives and one child). If you wish to look at a man with "impeccable character" then I would suggest Jesus of Nazareth who not only lived a perfect life, but was resurrected form the dead as proof of his living that perfect life.

    Thank you again for reading and commenting on my blog. I look forward to continued interaction with you.

  3. (enlighs not first language, ease grammar nazism)

    holy fuck... o.o

    "If you wish to look at a man with "impeccable character" then I would suggest Jesus of Nazareth who not only lived a perfect life, but was resurrected form the dead as proof of his living that perfect life."

    just... wow... WOW...

    I was about to read into (in depth) your article and follow up with research some interesting points you raise, but that makes me think that your view is biased and I feel it taints your whole argument.

    I might still do (research that is), the topic you touch is quite interesting enough to bypass that, but now with much more skepticism on your objectivity.

    Tho I just realized (sorry distracted by the article :P) of the kind of blog I'm commenting at, and find my rhetoric could be pointless, since the whole point of your argument seems to be to promote Christianity over Islam (in which case it makes it a fair point?)

    Nevertheless, lets read the rest of your stuff!

  4. Tuturo,

    I suppose I am biased. I am a Christian, and I write from that worldview. I do try to present the other side in as fair a light as possible. I am interested in your views. I would like to dialogue further.

